Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

10 Things I've Learned from My Monthly Collections

The last 6 months of creating monthly collections has taught me some valuable lessons.  It has been a fun and difficult journey so far, but it has been so worth it and so rewarding.  Here are 10 things that I have learned from the last 60 pieces of art that I have created over the last 6 months.

1. Even though I try to make each collection of 10 a cohesive collection, knowing that I need another idea or direction to go in for the next month has kept me in a state of constant creative thinking.  These collections are always on my mind, whether I'm trying to solve problems in my current collection or I'm franticly trying to think of what I'm going to work on next, I'm always hunting for ideas and this allows me to find ideas in unexpected places.

2. Hand in hand with thinking of ideas, I have also found that working generates ideas.  There have been so many times when I have had no idea what to do or how to proceed on a piece, but I know that I have to accomplish something on it that day or I will be "behind schedule".  So, I sit down with the piece in front of me and I attempt to have a conversation with it.  I ask the piece "what do you want to look like?  What do you want to convey?"  Most often, I don't get the whole idea at once, but I will get a little portion and as I work on that, the next step is revealed, and then the next until it is done.  

3. This leads right into the next lesson I've learned.  Ideas lead to more ideas.  Sometimes I'm afraid that if I use my only good idea for a collection, then I won't have any ideas left for the next collection, but you know what, that has never happened.  For every "good idea" I use, I think of at least 2 or 3 ideas that I need to decide between for the next collection.

4. Although, no one is breathing down my neck to complete a monthly collection every month this year, I had decided before the year began that I was going to do this.  It's the power of commitment that has made this project a priority.  While it might be easy to shirk a commitment that I made only to myself, why would I want to disappoint myself when it's totally in my control to fulfill that commitment?  This brings me to my next lesson...

5. Honoring my commitment proves to myself that it's important and I take my aspirations seriously.  Some months, it was easy to get all the work done.  There was no stress and it just came together.  Some months required late nights and saying no to some things in order to work.  Choosing to finish my collections at whatever cost has allowed to me prove to myself that if I can work to meet my own deadlines, I can certainly work to meet any deadlines that someone puts on me in the event of a show or a commission.  

6. Speaking of deadlines, I quickly learned the importance of planning ahead.  For most collections, I don't need to do much planning ahead other than knowing what I'm going to do by the first of the month.  For the June collection, I had some preparation to do before I left on my two week trip in order to help me be successful.  There's a collection that I plan to complete a few months from now, but I know that I won't be able to complete the drawing and painting of all 10 pieces within a month, so I'm drawing out a couple pieces each month, and then painting them all in the month I plan to sell them. 

7. Along with planning ahead, it also became very important to set a schedule.  My schedules always include extra time for an "off day" or a day when I don't necessarily have to do any work, but still remain on schedule.  When creating my schedule, I also realized that I don't actually have the entire month to create.  Since I post my work up in my shop for sale on the last weekday of the month, I don't work that day.  And to prepare for posting my work on the last weekday, I need to have all the photographing, editing, and listings done before that day.  I like to allow one day for photographing and editing and another for writing the listings, but I have done it all in one day when I've been short on time.

8.  In working on these collections, I've also learned a few things about my process.  If I start with a clear vision, I create a more cohesive collection.  For me, this clear vision needs to start with more than one sketch in my sketchbook.  I am bad at this.  I should probably file this work under "Planning Ahead", but I have a hard time working on sketches when I feel like I should really just be getting to work.  However, when I spend the time to work in my sketchbook first, the collection seems to come together more easily.

9.  When I first started creating collections, I thought I would work in oil all the time because "I am an oil painter".  Yes, I love working in oil, but I was limiting myself.  When I lifted this arbitrary limit, I purchased some really nice pens and learned that I love working with pens.  Then I allowed myself to play with my watercolors a bit more and then I realized that I love watercolor and pens together... So this lesson is about exploring materials.

10. Just as exploring materials has led me to loves I didn't think I'd love, exploring ideas has illuminated some very interesting things about myself.  For instance, I love creating hair, by drawing or by painting, I think hair is a lot of fun.  That interest came about very organically as I was looking at some of my work and realized what drew me in. 

You know how many artists have their "style"?  This, my friends, is a pathway to developing it and it basically comes down to taking yourself seriously (in a good, I mean business kind of way), explore, and do the work.  Lots of work.  I hope that you continue with whatever commitment you've made to yourself, start a new commitment, and learn from the process.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Motivational Monday

If you're working hard on something, and chances are that you are, it can be very discouraging to not experience immediate results.  Of course, we'd all love to work out and then immediately see the results, whether on the scale or in the mirror, but it doesn't work that way.  Over time, the changes we make or the things that we do build upon one another to yield great results.

Likewise, not acting on your desires to be the person you want to be gets you no where.  Don't discount the power of a single day.  Even if you don't feel like you make significant progress in a day, you can't build the life you want with out the daily efforts.  Keep working, keep going.  Even if you slip up on whatever your goal is, that's okay, it won't effect the overall result as long as you are continually working on that dream.  Use today to your advantage and make some progress on your goals!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Motivation for your Monday

To me, this quote is one of those quotes that can become a mantra.  It is so easy to get sucked into the negative side of situations when we could actually just take everything as it comes and try to be strong in the face of opposition.

Every day we have a choice to be happy, be strong, be optimistic or be sad, miserable, and pessimistic.  Decide which way you want to live, and make that choice again and again.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Motivation for your Monday

I feel like I am in a constant state of decluttering my house.  It seems that just as I get rid of everything we don't want or need, I find another stash of things that I didn't realize we had.  However, when we are surrounded by only those things that we love, it makes such a difference in our home.  I tend to spend the most time in those rooms that don't have any extra items because of the peace I find there.  So, wouldn't it be awesome to feel that peace all over the house?  That's the goal!

This week, I challenge you to take a room in your house and get rid of anything you don't love or truly need.  Take some time to notice if you feel any different in this room after you've done that.  Also, try to notice if your mind feels less cluttered.  I find that the messier my house is, the messier my brain is and I have a harder time organizing my thoughts and getting things done.  Our surroundings make a difference!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Motivational Monday

For today, here is one of my favorite quotes.

What do you agree or disagree?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Motivational Monday

I am often guilty of getting caught up in the little details of things that I want to do.  Instead of just getting to work, I make lists upon lists and make delays based on a perception that I need to do "A" before I can do "B".  But it really does just come down to this excellent quote by Amelia Earhart.

If there's something that you want to do that you've been putting off, just do it.  It's the easiest and most direct way to accomplish something - just do it!

Go get it this Monday!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Motivational Monday

Even when we want to do something so badly that the very thought of it stirs our souls, it can be so hard to make the leap and try it.  It could be a fear of failure or the vulnerability of putting our selves out there in uncertain terrain that causes people to shrink back from their dreams, but we need to conquer whatever it is that is holding us back again and again.

Take this quote by Kurt Vonnegut with you today.

When we leap, sometimes we'll fly and sometimes we'll fail, but each time we will be strengthening our wings and preparing ourselves for the next jump.  Don't let fear or vulnerability hold you back.  Take a running jump, see what happens, and develop those wings so that one day, you can fly.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Motivation

It's hard for me to come back to this blog after such a long absence, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew that working on this blog is a real effort that I need to make.  Blogging looks like it's effortless, but as I've realized again and again, it is so much work.  Well, I'm here to try it again.  The only way to be a successful blogger is to keep trying, so that is what I'll do - starting today.

I want to start a little series of my own here with a motivational phrase to kick off the week.  Mondays are always off kilter for me because I don't know how the week will flow and I feel anxious to get everything done, so I want to give (and receive) an extra little push to start the week on a positive note.

In the past few weeks as I have been thinking a lot about putting myself out there as an artist and really deciding that this is what I want to do, I realized that I was the one holding myself back.  You might be in a different circumstance than I am in and don't have people cheering you on, but I have a lot of supporters and I realized that I wasn't one of them.  Since having that realization, I've decided that I'm going to go for it and do everything I can to make my dreams a reality.  Once I made that decision and got to work, thus proving to myself that I meant it, I began to feel so much peace and excitement about my path, my journey, and my subtle progress.  Nothing "major" has happened, but I feel like I'm on my way now.  

Today I challenge you to stop holding yourself back and start making progress on your dream.  It can be seemingly very little progress, but as you take those little steps, you'll feel a peace that will let you know that you're on the right track.

Currently Listening to Gold by Wake Owl