My name is Megan and I want to share my journey with you.
I recently hit a period of my life when I felt that I had no purpose and no direction. My mind felt cluttered and anxious. I was busy every day, but I never accomplished anything worth while. I realized that over time, I had begun to push away my passions for substitutes that only filled the holes in my life half way, but I was not nearly as fearful of failing. This, as you can guess, wasn't good enough and it wasn't fulfilling.
Things started to change when I started 2015 with the mindset that the year was going to be a great year. I was so certain that 2015 was going to be a game changer in my life. It was. I have found so many resources that have pushed me to get out of my comfort zone, pick up my space, and have the courage to be the person that I want to be.
Always supporting me, my husband, Jake is there every step of the way. He encourages me every day and he is always up for a conversation about my dreams and how to accomplish them. Always demanding something - a book, more milk, a granola bar... - is my very energetic daughter, Berlin. She is a joy and a true light. She has real opinions about the world around her and I love watching, teaching, and being with her every day.
As I have been making these changes in my life and home, I have felt the urge to get online and share the experience. The intention of this blog is twofold. First, I wanted a space that I could be myself and share what I love. Second, I want to inspire others to live the life they want the most.
Striving to live the life you want is an every day effort and requires you to live with intention, but why not go for it?
I have decided to make the leap and although it's a work very much in progress, the results have been well worth the effort. Here's the life that I want to lead:
I want to be an artist who works out every morning, lives in an art-filled, but otherwise minimalist home, makes quilts for people she loves, and documents the journey.
Who do you want to be? What can you do today to get you closer to being that person? Let's reach our dreams together.
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