Thursday, June 2, 2016

Collection Inspiration: June

June is going to be an exciting month for me.  My daughter, Berlin, and I are flying to Dallas for a week and then she will stay with her grandparents while I jet off to D.C. for almost another week before I fly back to get her and head home.  As totally thrilling as this vacation is for me, I am a little scared about how I am going to accomplish my collection this month with two solid weeks away from home!

I have, however, devised a game plan that will hopefully allow me to be successful without too much stress...

This collection will deviate from my plan of creating work based off the design elements and principles because I had an idea that I simply must explore.  Below is a page from my sketchbook and I love the "planetary" look to this little painting.  I posted this on Instagram just after I painted it and I got a warm enough reaction for me to decide that this was the direction I was going to go for June.

I intend for the painted planet to be a base for some ink work around or on top of it.  This is just the start of an idea... who knows what I'll end up creating!

To alleviate some of the stress that traveling will cause, I'm planning to tear down all the paper to 8"x10" and have at least the base layer of painting done on all of the planets before I take off.  All of the pen work and other painting adjustments will be done as I travel.  I will have a few days when I get back to finish up any last minute details, but the bulk of the work will need to be done before I return so that I have plenty of time to photograph and write up the listings.

To follow my progress on this collection and take part in my Dallas and D.C. adventures, be sure to follow me on Instagram @Meganat3511!

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